3 Women (1977) poster |
Robert Altman
Shelley Duvall
Sissy Spacek
Janice Rule
The two main characters, both named Mildred have emigrated from Texas to a small dusty Californian town off the highway that could pass for Texas -- the younger Mildred remarks, "Sure does look like Texas". The attention-seeking, loquacious Mildred #1, alias "Millie" (Shelley Duvall) struts around like a yellow canary on stage reminding me of
Norma Desmond from Sunset Blvd with the same lack of self awareness.
Thoroughly modern Millie prepares for her entrance. |
Obviously imitating what she's sees in the glamour magazines she reads. The clumsy naive Mildred #2, alias "Pinky" (Sissy Spacek) who's even more clueless mistakes Millie's bravado as confidence immediately becoming her sycophant says she is "the most perfect person I've met" until an unexpected turn of events challenges their fan-idol relationship and their identities. It is a final crisis that resolves their "identity crisis" in the end involving a third women, Willie (Janice Rule), an artist that paints a mural with groupings of reptilian anthropomorphic beasts that include a pregnant female (like herself) and an alpha male standing erect with his huge "cock" (maybe blurred in some copies) which I presume represents her cock sure husband and possibly lover to the pair of Mildreds. This very surreal film some what of a black tragicomedy (if you can force it into a genre at all) evolved from a dream director, Robert Altman had, so don't expect a nice neat traditional Hollywood ending. I loved the film! One of his best IMO. It explores the female psyche so well, its hard for me to believe a male developed this from his own dream. The film is also a time capsule from the 70s. Millie loves the color yellow, drives a "French" mustard colored Pinto ( not to be confused with English mustard, she corrects the cops as they look for her stolen car) and has an apartment decorated in a combination of slick mod and lacy kitschy furnishing, all in yellow. Lots of double knit halters and peasant blouses fill her closet, all in yellow, of course. This cult classic is worth viewing just for the trip back to the groovy years.
The pair of Mildreds bonding their first night together in the "perfect" apartment. Millie later records in her diary " She loves the apartment. I guess she's never lived in a decorated place before." |
Would someone please comment about the reptilian art? Who was actual the artist?
3 Women (1977) Sissy Spacek, Sherry Duvall, and Janice Rule |
3 Women at Wikipedia
3 Women at the Internet Movie Database
3 Women at Rotten Tomatoes